
195067 Nepokorennih 63





Pepper – a plant of the herb family. The fruits of the sweet peppers are beautiful, fragrant and tasty, most importantly; they are treasure of precious antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E. Pepper is a champion among the vegetables containing vitamin C. Interestingly, the fist time that vitamin was isolated, it was done from this plant. 2.1 peppers can satisfy person’s daily requirement of ascorbic acid. In addition, peppers are high in vitamin B complex, B2, P, PP, sugars, carotene, minerals, calcium and phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, and folic acid nicotine, and essential oils that give the fruit a specific incomparable aroma and exquisite taste.

The amount of zinc surpasses all vegetables except garlic. Green bell pepper contains more vitamin C, while yellow and red has more beta-carotene. In addition to vitamin C, peppers contain vitamin A, which is a deadly cocktail of free radicals. This wonderful duo prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, thereby protecting from multiple sclerosis and heart disease. The presence of pepper on the menu is very beneficial for smokers.