
195067 Nepokorennih 63





Peach - a nice, juicy and healthy fruit from the family of Rose tree, subgenus of Almonds. Peach contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, pro vitamin A, vitamin B and B1. The high content of potassium allows the fruit to be used as a digestive. Fresh peaches are useful in treatments of anemia, in order to stimulate the recovery of bowel and gallbladder contraction.

Peaches help to eliminate toxins from the body, promote skin nourishment, retain moisture in skin cells and protecting it from wrinkles. It’s a real pleasure to bite through the velvety soft skin and taste the juicy and fragrant peach. Those who are watching their figures should not have a worry in their minds. Peaches contain very few calories (a medium size fruit contains only 35 calories) and are high in fiber. Aroma therapists argue that peach’s scent is a wonderful antidepressant; it reduces the state of indifference and apathy, stimulates the mind, improves memory and concentration.