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Pomegranate – is a fruit from the tree of the Pomegranate family. Pomegranate has long been a symbol of fertility, abundance and eternal life. Pomegranate fruits have many medicinal properties; they contain iron, which contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin in the blood. Pomegranate juice also regulates digestion. As said by Hippocrates, who recommended that the medicinal properties of diluted pomegranate juice will help in treatment of skin diseases and burns.

Today particularly, preparations of pomegranates are used in anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug. In the most famous book of medical history “The Canon of Medicine” written by Avicenna, pomegranate was mentioned 150 times. Books of dreams interprets that when dreaming of pomegranates, it is a sure sign that you will wisely apply your talents for moral self-improvement, therefore, this fruit useful and beneficial in all ways. Juicy, ruby pomegranate seeds are used for decorations for any dessert.