
195067 Nepokorennih 63





Tomato – a plant from the Paslonovoy family. Tomatoes are one of the most common and valuable vegetable crop and in great demand among the population. The healing properties of tomatoes are determined by the nutritional contents of the vegetable. They contain lots of vitamin C and carotene, an endless number of mineral salts and microelements. Just like any other gifts of nature, they are rich in potassium, but they have almost no fat and sodium. The presence of iron in tomatoes is several times greater than in the meat, milk or fish. The vegetable contains lycopene, a pigment that gives tomatoes red color, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, some cancers, and macular degeneration. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes contain antioxidants.

Tomatoes free us of shyness. Tomatoes contain a sufficiently large number of 5-hydro-ksitriptamin, whose action resembles the action of serotonin. It allows relaxation and letting loose. No wonder tomatoes are sometimes called "apples of love."  100 grams of tomatoes contain 19 calories. Tomatoes have proven not only beneficial affect on the heart and kidneys, but also rejuvenating affect on the skin. Tomatoes are healthiest for consumption in their raw form. According to nutritionists, a daily glass of tomato juice will provide you with health, beauty and youth.